Springfield Politics

Springfield Politics


Opinion: Vote ‘Yes’ on Transportation Bond

When you enter the voting booth on Nov. 4, you’ll be asked to vote Yes or No on a $100 million Fairfax County transportation bond. (Bonds are a form of long-term borrowing to finance public facilities and infrastructure and spread the costs over a long time frame. Virginia law requires that general obligation bonds be approved by voters in a referendum.)

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Peace Festival Held in Ridgeview Park

The Ridgeview Park Peace Festival was held Sunday, Oct. 19 in Ridge View Estates off Franconia Road. The festivities included a park bench dedication and tree-planting ceremony with remarks by Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova.

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Crashing the Parties

Marc Harrold, Libertarian; Joe Galdo, Green, run for Congress.

Marc Harrold is a self-professed creature of habit. He’s been going to the same bars and restaurants near his Fairfax home for years, where the close friends he’s made there say his great sense of humor and diverse intelligence help him “hold court” and converse easily with anyone, on any subject.

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Warner, Gillespie Clash in U.S. Senate Debate

Stark distinctions on same-sex marriage, immigration, abortion and healthcare.

In front of an audience of Northern Virginia business leaders, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) and Republican challenger Ed Gillespie honed their attacks on each other during a sharp, wide-ranging debate Tuesday evening, Oct. 7.

Voting Early, Absentee

Elections 2014

Virtually every voter in Virginia is eligible to vote absentee, which includes voting in-person absentee at a variety of locations from now through Nov. 1.

New Voter Identification Requirements

There are new requirements for voter identification that voters must bring with them to the polling place.

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Board of Supervisors Approves 50+ Community Action Plan

Vote is “the beginning, not the end” for Herrity.

Supervisor Pat Herrity’s so-called “Silver Tsunami” population in Fairfax County isn’t getting any younger. The data haven’t changed: the amount of people over 50 should increase by 40 percent between 2005 and 2030, and those 70 and older should shoot up 80 percent in the same period.

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Supervisors Break Ground on New Public Safety Headquarters

The Fairfax County Police and Fire Departments are getting a new home. On Tuesday, Sept. 16, Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova and Supervisor John Cook broke ground on what will be a $142 million, eight-story headquarters.

Foust Bridging Political Divide

Democrats hope Foust’s reputation as a “bridge-builder” connects with voters.

Straightening his tie, John Foust is preparing for yet another “meet-and-greet” event at the Clifton home of Democratic supporters Terry Matlaga and Kevin Bell.

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Springfield Resident Visits Capitol Hill

On Wednesday, Sept. 10, Jennifer Basik of Springfield met with members of Congress in Washington, D.C. as part of the Direct Selling Association’s second annual Direct Selling Day on Capitol Hill.

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Extreme Politics

Foust, Comstock stake out opposing positions during first debate in hyper-partisan 10th district Congressional race.

Forget first-debate politeness. Republican Barbara Comstock and Democrat John Foust — the candidates vying to replace longtime U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf in Virginia’s 10th Congressional district — sustained the hyper-partisan tenor of their campaigns during a debate-style forum hosted by the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce in Herndon last week.

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$12 Million Suit Against Fairfax County Police

2013 shooting victim’s family seeks damages in wrongful death case.

The year-long silence surrounding the police shooting of John Geer has been broken — but not by Fairfax County Police or the U.S. Department of Justice. John Geer was shot to death by Fairfax County Police on Aug. 29, 2013.

A County of 186,785 Students

Welcome to the 2014-15 school year. The start of a new school year is always an exciting time for students, parents, and educators. Our dedicated staff has been working hard to prepare for another school year that builds on our tradition of excellence at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).

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Welcome to Fairfax County

Welcome to Fairfax County, the best place in the country to live, work and play. Fairfax County is home to a fantastic public school system, top tier business and shopping opportunities, compassionate human services, and some of the best parks and open spaces in the D.C. Metropolitan region.

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School Board Funds Full Day Mondays

School system has over $38 million surplus.

The Fairfax County School Board voted at its last meeting to approve funding for full day Mondays for elementary-school students. The board voted back in June to approve ending half-day Mondays, but voted to fund the move, which will cost $7,639,300 at its July 24 meeting.