Planning Commission Tables Residential Studio Amendment
Discussion on affordable housing likely to continue.
Although more than 15 public meetings and seven committee sessions have been held since Oct. 13, the Fairfax County Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to table the proposed Residential Studio Amendment, which would have provided apartments to residents working low-income jobs.
Governor's Mansion, Confidential
Defense team in corruption case to detail crumbling McDonnell marriage.
When he takes the stand in his own defense, former Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell will read jurors an email that he wrote to his wife as their marriage was said to be crumbling.
Fairfax School Board Elects Chairman, Vice Chair
Tamara Derenak Kaufax and Ted Velkoff elected to lead Board.
Tamara Derenak Kaufax (Lee District) and Ted Velkoff (at-large) were elected chairman and vice chair of the Fairfax County School Board on Thursday night, July 10, following an abstention from some members in the election of chairman. Both will serve in their positions for one year.
School Board Decreases Suspension Time
Student Rights and Responsibilities revised.
Starting this fall, suspensions for certain student offenses in Fairfax County will decrease, thanks to a revision of the school system’s Student Rights and Responsibilities [SR&R]. The school board voted unanimously at the end of June to change the discipline handbook, which will now focus on in school suspensions to preserve time in school. Offenses that come with mandatory punishments are decreased under the updated handbook.

Fairfax Updates Green Building Policy
New policy is result of new technology for green rating systems.
The green building policy in Fairfax has been updated, requiring higher standards for residential, retail, office and other construction projects seeking approval for rezoning in the county.
You Can Run, But You Can’t Win?
Fairfax County fires attorney for winning city council seat.
Like many lifelong City of Fairfax residents, Nancy Fry Loftus is proud of her hometown’s character and charm — a Norman Rockwell postcard of small-town life in the heart of an increasingly urban, diverse and bustling region.

What’s Offensive about Redskins Pride?
Absolutely nothing, if you’re state Sen. Chap Petersen.
A lifelong Redskins fan, Fairfax state Sen. Chap Petersen (D-34) has had it up to here with all the talk about the need to change the name of his beloved football team. He vented his frustration and indignation on his blog — Ox Road South — but said he was leery of tackling what he deemed the forces of political correctness in the "War Against the Redskins" until June 18, when the Federal Patent Office blocked the team’s Redskins trademarks, declaring that the name was "disparaging" to Native Americans at the time the trademarks were registered — as far back as 1967. That action pushed Petersen off the sidelines to lead an offensive attack.
Landfill Decision Deferred to July 29
Board Chairman Sharon Bulova looking for compromise.
The decision has already been delayed before, but the future of the Lorton landfill will remain uncertain as the Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to defer the decision to July 29.

Patchwork of Approaches to Affordable Housing in Northern Virginia
Jurisdictions use a variety of strategies to prevent homelessness.
Affordable housing means different things to different people at different times. For government officials, it's a phrase that means that a family spends no more than 30 percent of its income on housing costs, including rent or mortgage as well as taxes and utilities

Meals Tax: Tasty or Revolting?
Supervisors digest task force’s final report on hot-button issue.
After hours of simmering debate, the Meals Tax Referendum Task Force’s presentation to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Tuesday was a mere amuse-bouche, whetting the appetite of board the for the group’s 170-page multi-course written report.

School Calendar Changes Examined
Fairfax County considers ending half-day Mondays, at the cost between $4 to $7.6 Million.
Changes could be coming soon to school schedules in Fairfax County, under a new plan announced by Superintendent Karen Garza at a work session on May 28.

Community Meetings on Later Start Times Concluded
Final recommendation will be presented to School Board in July.
Parents and community members were presented with information regarding later start times in Fairfax County at a public meeting on June 10 at West Springfield High School. Leading the presentation were Danny Lewin and Judith Owens, doctors from the Children’s National Medical Center and experts on sleep medicine.

Fundraising and Connections Help Former Lieutenant Governor Emerge Victorious
Don Beyer edges out six competitors in crowded filed of candidates.
When asked about animals rights, former Lt. Gov. Don Beyer quotes author Peter Singer. He describes his wife as the "sine qua non" of his life. During his victory speech in the hotly contested Democratic primary to replace longtime U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8), he quoted St. Augustine and Winston Churchill. He reads widely and has five policy proposals for every issue before Congress.

Eat. Drink. Pay?
Fairfax County task force debates voters’ appetite for another meals tax referendum.
It has been 22 years since Fairfax County asked voters to approve a tax on restaurant meals, an issue that ignited protests, caused deep divisions among community leaders and threatened to melt down several political careers. The reverberations of that epic failure — what many consider the third rail of county politics — continue to echo in the ears of county politicians.

Poverty in the Classroom: Low-Income Students Scattered Through Northern Virginia
Where are the region's highest poverty schools?
When Carla Castro-Claure was approaching the age when she would soon attend Kindergarten, her mother became increasingly concerned about Hybla Valley Elementary School.