Lawmakers Wrap-up Richmond Legislative Session
Unspent TANF grant money, prisoner rights among social issues discussed.
On average, low income families in Virginia who are eligible and sign up for funds from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Block Grant receive $269 monthly and are cut off after five years. But lawmakers say there’s a lot more unexpended money available in the federal grant that, if it remains unused, could one day be taken back.

Del. Filler-Corn Champions New Laws Preventing, Combating Sexual Assault
On Friday, March 11, Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41), flanked by leading voices in the fight against campus and domestic sexual assault participated in a press conference in Richmond on the last day of the 2016 General Assembly session announcing the passage of several bills addressing this issue.

Burke, Fairfax Station, Springfield and Mount Vernon legislators reflect on battles won, lost and tabled after General Assembly “Crossover”
Tuesday, Feb. 16 marked “crossover,” the milestone during the current session of the Virginia General Assembly session in Richmond where bills passed by the House of Delegates move to the Senate for debate and either approval or rejection, and vice versa.
Editorial: Bad Bills
General Assembly has potential to do lots of damage in a short period.
From pressing for use of a barbaric form of execution, the electric chair, to codifying discrimination, to stripping localities of the major tool for ensuring infrastructure is in place for new development, to hiding more and more critical public information from the public, the Virginia General Assembly is poised to do harm to the Commonwealth.
Proffers in Danger?
Richmond caught the attention of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors this week specifically with House Bill 770 (Gilbert) and Senate B 549 (Obenshain), bills Sharon Bulova says will place “significant restrictions” on development, specifically citing “unreasonable proffers.”
Lee District Candidates Meet at John Marshall Library
League of Women Voters hosts forum.
They may not be old enough to vote, but twin sisters Madelyn and Miranda Khoury paid as much attention to the presentations as anyone in the audience at an Oct. 5 Meet the Candidates event hosted by the League of Women Voters of Fairfax.
Face-Off in 44th District Delegate Primary: Paul Krizek
I worked on the Hill for many years and participated in numerous bipartisan efforts to draft and pass legislation. Also, as a Housing Commissioner I was able to work with all of the Commissioners to work beyond partisanship on matters beneficial to the County.
Face-Off in 44th District Delegate Primary: Justin Brown
I’ve spent my career advocating for and working with a wide variety of individuals with different perspectives and objectives.

Transportation Forum Discusses Options and Obstacles
High Level forum discusses regional transit options and obstacles.
Local, state and federal elected and appointed officials, business leaders, researchers and directors and staff from transportation and economic development agencies gathered on Friday morning, May 8, at the Greensboro Conference Center in he heart of Tysons.
Springfield Holds Budget Meeting
Education, Superintendent salary, retirement dominate heated debate.
Fairfax County Executive Ed Long and Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) met with Springfield residents at the lobby of the West Springfield District Police Station on Wednesday, March 18 to discuss the county’s proposed budget. About 25 people gathered at the impromptu meeting place due to a scheduling conflict with another group for the meeting room.

Herrity To Run Again for Springfield Supervisor
Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) chose to align himself with the luck of the Irish, using his annual St. Patrick’s Day get together at the Springfield Golf and Country Club to announce his bid to seek re-election to represent the Springfield District.

Del. Filler-Corn’s ‘CARE Act’ Passes the House
Del. Eileen Filler-Corn’s (D–41) HB 1413 passed the full House of Delegates on Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015. HB 1413 or the “CARE Act” addresses the important role of the informal and family caregivers and improved communication with them and medical providers. Specifically, the bill looks to improve healthcare and reduce preventable hospital revisits by having hospitals formally acknowledge a patient’s family caregiver at the time of admission and provide critical home care instruction before discharge.

GMU Students Rally to Lower Student Debt
Members of GMU Student Power Travel to Richmond to voice concern over rising debt.
Twelve students from George Mason University traveled to Richmond with the Virginia Student Power Network, rallying and calling for debt-free education, and for increased educational opportunities for undocumented students. Rodrigo Velasquez, a junior at Mason from Springfield and GMU Student Power’s organizer, was one of the 12 from Mason who also went to Richmond.

Delegates, State Senators Hold Springfield Town Hall Meeting
Residents bring questions for legislators.
State senators George Barker (D-39), Linda T. “Toddy” Puller (D-36), Adam P. Ebbin (D-30), Del. Mark D. Sickles (D-43), and Supervisor Jeffrey C. McKay (D-Lee District) held a town hall meeting on Saturday, Jan. 24 at the Thompson Center in Alexandria. More than 40 people attended despite the overcast, drizzly weather. The panel acknowledged Puller, who announced her retirement earlier this month, and her work in the Virginia senate before talking about bills and issues they are working on during this short session of the General Assembly, which is scheduled to end Feb. 28.
Puller Will Not Seek Re-election
Just as the Virginia General Assembly kicked off its 2015 January session, state Sen. Linda T. “Toddy” Puller (D-36) announced her decision to not run for re-election later this year. “It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve the people of the 36th district in the Senate of Virginia,” Puller said in a Jan. 14 statement. “Now, with the encouragement, love and support of my family I have made the decision to step down.”