Upcoming Actions on Enhanced Gun Safety Legislation in Virginia
Del. Patrick Hope (D-47), who chairs the House Public Safety Committee, said after gun safety bills passed subcommittee today, that on Friday the full committee will be taking up legislation to continue to prevent gun violence.

Killing the Death Penalty
Lawmakers consider bill to abolish capital punishment in Virginia
Virginia has executed people longer than any other state, a tradition that stretches back into colonial days when Captain George Kendall was executed for treason. Over the years, the commonwealth has executed more than 1,300 people. Now, Virginia may be about to join 22 other states that have abolished the death penalty.

Privatized Incarceration
Alexandria senator leads fight against profiting from prisoners
Housing inmates in Virginia prisons costs the state about $70 a day for each inmate. But the private sector can do it a lot cheaper, about $50 a day. Lawmakers are about to debate whether that's a savings they can afford.
Virginia House Democrats Release Agenda for Upcoming Session
The House legislative agenda will focus on three key areas for the upcoming legislative session: Protecting Families; Keeping Virginia Healthy; Rebuilding Our Economy Stronger

Essential Leave
Advocates for paid sick days try to build support among Virginia Senate Democrats
Before the pandemic hit, Senate Democrats stopped a proposal requiring businesses to offer paid sick days. During the pandemic, they rejected it again during a special session. Now as lawmakers prepare for the upcoming General Assembly session, advocates are hoping they've finally got a strategy to persuade reluctant Senate Democrats to approve a new law increasing the number of workers in Virginia who have access to paid sick days.

Appealing Bad Rulings
Lawmakers to consider expanding appeals court, providing new oversight to judges.
Virginia is the only state in the country that does not guarantee a right to appeal, allowing circuit court judges to make decisions with little oversight or scrutiny. Critics have been calling for reform ever since the Court of Appeals was first created in 1985. The Supreme Court of Virginia recommended an appeal of right as a "long term goal" in 2018. Now, Gov. Ralph Northam says he wants lawmakers to add four judges and support staff "to ensure the court can hear more appeals cases in a timely manner under an increasing workload."

Absurd Leverage
Lawmakers to reconsider mandatory minimum for assaulting law enforcement
Earlier this year, lawmakers rejected a bill that would have ditched the mandatory minimum sentence for assaulting a law-enforcement officer. Now the General Assembly is about to consider the issue again.

A Look Inside the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Meeting Dec. 1, 2020
Highlights of discussion and actions that impact all who live, work and play in the diverse county
Dec. 1 marked the final Fairfax County Full Board of Supervisors Meeting with Public Comment of 2020.
Drawing the Line
Newly created redistricting commission zooms toward new maps in 2021
Now that voters have approved a constitutional amendment creating a new redistricting commission, the pieces have already started falling into place for how the commission will work and who will serve on it.

December is Virginia’s Puppy Mill Awareness Month
In February, the 2020 General Assembly unanimously designated December as Virginia’s Puppy Mill Awareness Month.

The Pandemic Election
Virginia voters support Biden, Warner and a new redistricting commission.
Twenty years ago, Virginia was a red state. Republicans scored Virginia's electoral votes in every presidential election since LBJ was reelected in 1964. Republicans held both U.S. Senate seats. The Grand Old Party had all the statewide offices, a majority of the congressional delegation and both chambers of the General Assembly. That was the environment when Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, both Democrats, ran for governor and lieutenant governor.
Behavioral Health Teams to Join Police on Mental Health Calls in Virginia
Marcus alert bill passes House and Senate, moves to Northam’s desk
Marcus alert bill passes House and Senate, moves to Northam’s desk

Life Hangs in the Box Checked in Fairfax County
HR for County Schools tells staff to make a decision.
Tia Williams is an instructional assistant with diabetes and severe asthma at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).

Limiting Neck Restraints
Lawmakers negotiate behind closed doors on how to curb police use of chokeholds.
When lawmakers began their special session on criminal justice reform in August, hopes were high that the General Assembly would send the governor a bill that banned police from using chokeholds. But now that the protesters have gone home and the lawmakers have moved behind closed doors to negotiate in a secret closed-door conference committee, advocates for criminal-justice reform are worried about what will emerge in the conference report that will be presented to the House and Senate.

An Election about Elections
Voters to determine how redistricting works next year.
When Republicans were in charge of drawing political boundaries for the General Assembly and Congress, Democrats supported an amendment to the Virginia Constitution creating a new mapmaking commission. The idea was to take the power of political gerrymandering out of the hands of the majority and hand it over to a group that wouldn’t be quite so focused on screwing the opposition. But then Democrats seized control of the General Assembly, and most House Democrats flip flopped on the issue.