Springfield Politics

Springfield Politics


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Every Year Is Election Year in Virginia

Northern Virginia has most two-party races on ballot.

While the Virginia governor’s race is the one getting the most attention, both nationally and in the state, Virginia’s House of Delegates race is shaping up to be the most competitive in a decade. According to an official candidate list released last month by the Virginia State Board of Elections, 57 House seats will be contested this November — marking only the second time in the last decade where at least half of the 100 House seats will have more than one name on the ballot.

Obsessed With Politics? Fairfax County Welcomes You!

What newcomers need to know to be politically-savvy insiders.

Fairfax County may be physically separated from Washington, D.C.—the ground-zero of All Things Political—but residents here are a politically-savvy bunch. We know who Larry Sabato is—a prominent University of Virginia political analyst—and we pay attention to Not Larry Sabato—a Virginia politics blog by Ben Tribbett, a Fairfax County resident and self-described “vicious campaign insultant.” We follow our politicians on Twitter and Facebook.

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Shedding Sunshine on the Secret World of Regulation in Virginia

Advisory panel rejects effort to open records of the State Corporation Commission.

Ever wonder what happens during deliberations that regulate payday lending? How about the effort to oversee your health insurance?

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Will the Next Attorney General Defend Constitutional Ban on Gay Marriage?

Republican says he will defend amendment; Democrat is not so sure.

Virginia's next attorney general will have to stand in a courtroom and make a decision about whether or not the commonwealth's constitutional ban on marriage should be defended. Republican candidate Sen. Mark Obenshain (R-26) has been clear about his support for the amendment and his intention to provide a vigorous defense of marriage. Democratic candidate Sen. Mark Herring (D-33), on the other hand, has yet to take a position on whether or not he will defend the amendment.

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Candidates Agree on Amendment for Voting Rights, Disagree on Executive Order

Restoration of civil rights on the agenda for next governor.

Should nonviolent felons have their right to vote automatically restored? What exactly is a nonviolent felony? What kind of process can be considered automatic?

Silence of the Court

Justices deny public access to shield personal conversations.

The Virginia Supreme Court operates in silence, denying public access to audio recordings of its oral arguments. Unlike the U.S. Supreme Court, which denies video recordings but allows audio recordings, the commonwealth's top appeals court has a complete blackout on public access to proceedings. In a written response to questions from Connection Newspapers, the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Virginia Supreme Court explained that audio records were once public, but the installation of new equipment in January 2008 created new concerns for justices.

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Silence of the Court: Virginia Supreme Court Denies Access to Audio Recordings

Lack of transparency is explained as effort to shield personal conversations.

The Virginia Supreme Court operates in silence, denying public access to audio recordings of its oral arguments.

Kincaid Wins Democratic Nomination for Sheriff

Kincaid promises to push for pay parity and reach out to diverse community.

Stacey Kincaid, a 26-year veteran with the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Department and self-proclaimed “rookie politician,” handily won the Democratic nomination for sheriff during a special election Tuesday night, July 23 at W.T. Woodson High School. The final vote was 605 to 315 votes, according to Democratic officials who counted each ballot by hand.

Virginia Voters Get More Choices in 2013

Northern Virginia has most two-party races on ballot.

While the Virginia governor’s race is the one getting the most attention, both nationally and in the state, Virginia’s House of Delegates race is shaping up to be the most competitive in a decade.

Editorial: More Than Disclosure Needed for Virginia

Time for limits on campaign contributions as well.

At least until after November’s election, most candidates in Virginia seem to think that there should be some reform to Virginia’s campaign finance and disclosure rules. At least it seems likely that most will support expanding disclosure rules to require disclosure of gifts to immediate family members as well as candidates/officials.

Petersen to Governor: Explain, Deny, Return or Resign

Petersen first Virginia legislator to suggest McDonnell resign over alleged wrongdoing in accepting gifts from prominent donor.

The tipping point for state Sen. J. Chap Petersen (D-34) was the $6,500 Rolex watch.

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Terry McAulife Launches Healthcare Platform at Inova Alexandria Hospital

Affordable Care Act is a key point of distinction between candidates for governor.

Democratic candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe found himself in the emergency room this week, but it wasn't because of a medical crisis.

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Hybrid Outrage at the Department of Motor Vehicles

Two legislators vow to introduce effort to repeal new tax on hybrid vehicles.

Suzanne Cleary has owned a hybrid vehicle since 2006, making her an early adopter and a proselytizer to her friends and neighbors.

When a Bill Becomes a Law

On July 1, sales taxes go up for Fairfax County residents.

“We needed to at least make it clear that you risk a reckless driving offense if you text and drive.” —Del. David Bulova (D-37)

Commentary: Putting the People First

Good government isn’t as hard as politicians make it out to be. It’s really about putting the people first.