Springfield: Community Outlook 2017
Springfield Area Ongoing Developments
The Connection keeps a running list of land use projects being planned, under construction and nearing completion in the community. The list is updated quarterly.

Bills Moving Forward
Commentary Scott Surovell State Senator (D-36)
The General Assembly Session is in full gear and legislation has begun to move through the process as we start to take action on 3,000 bills.

Week in Fairfax
Community News
At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, the public hearing to consider an ordinance to amend and readopt Chapter 109.1 of the Fairfax County Code on the prohibition of plastic bags for yard waste was deferred indefinitely. The Board of Supervisors also voted unanimously to approve Supervisor Herrity’s motion to immediately communicate to the citizens, trash haulers, and lawn service companies that there is currently no approved ban in Fairfax County.

University Drive Extension Project Advances Slightly
Council votes to bring it to 30-percent design.
The Fairfax City Council has not completely approved the controversial University Drive extension...But the project inched forward slightly Tuesday night when the members voted to advance it to the 30-percent design stage.

Residents Go to Richmond
Virginia News
With the Virginia General Assembly underway, many individuals and groups are traveling to the capital of the Commonwealth to lobby lawmakers.

Inauguration Day
Local officers provide security for inaugural events.
More than 100 officers from the Fairfax County Police Department assisted in security during Inauguration Day activities Jan. 20 in Washington, D.C. as Donald Trump was sworn in as 45th President of the United States.

Bipartisan Agreement Forged in House Panel on Reducing Suspended Driver’s Licenses
Republicans work with Cabinet officials to craft changes to let more people keep drivers licenses.
After Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe called on lawmakers to find a way to restore driver's licenses to people charged with crimes that had nothing to do with driving, Republicans responded. Now both sides are crafting a compromise that could end up being a hallmark of the 2017 session.

Party-Line Vote Protects Child Labor at Tobacco Farms in Virginia
Republican-led House panel kills effort to craft new protections for kids in unrecorded vote.
In an unrecorded party-line vote, House Republicans killed a bill that would have cracked down on child labor at tobacco farms in Virginia.

Senate Panel Kills Effort to Allow Drivers Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants
Supporters say they’ll continue to press the issue, citing concerns over safety.
Undocumented immigrants in Virginia will not be getting a driver’s license anytime soon, although advocates for the idea say they will keep pressing lawmakers on the issue.

Online Virginia Lottery Sales? Don't Bet On It
House panel rejects bill that would allow for sale of lottery tickets over the internet.
A coalition of convenience store owners and religious conservatives worked to till an effort from the Virginia Lottery to allow for online gambling, thwarting an effort aimed at increasing sales among millennial gamblers. The bill, introduced by Del. Roxann Robinson (R-27), was defeated with an overwhelming vote by a House General Laws subcommittee Tuesday afternoon.

Senate Panel Approves Crackdown on Internet Lenders in Virginia
Bill would subject unregulated loans to rules that apply to consumer-finance loans.
The Wild West of online lending is about to become a little tamer. That’s because a state Senate panel narrowly approved a bill that would subject internet loans to the same restrictions that currently exist for consumer finance loans, a move that would cramp the anything-goes culture of online loans in Virginia.

Senators to Alexandria: Clean Up Your Act by 2020 or Lose State Funding
Lawmakers poo poo city efforts to flush raw sewage.
Members of the Virginia state Senate say they’re tired of hearing excuses about sewage from city officials in Alexandria, and they’re pushing ahead with a plan that one senator calls “the nuclear option.” This afternoon, the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee approved a bill that sets a firm deadline for Alexandria to clean up its act — 2020. If city officials are unable to stop dumping more than 10 million gallons of raw sewage into the Potomac River every year, Alexandria would lose all state appropriations until the problem is fixed.

Predatory Lenders Work Behind the Scenes to Avoid Regulation and Evade the Law
Campaign contributions and political connections used to sidestep crackdown.
Predatory Loans in the Crossfire: Lawmakers conflicted about how to handle high-interest loans.

Rep. Comstock Co-Sponsors Resolution Condemning Anti-Israel UN Vote
Congresswoman Barbara Comstock
“In an act of moral cowardice in the closing days of his administration, President Obama’s ‘reckless abstention’ [to use the words of former DNC Chair and current Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)] at the UN has demonstrated his legacy as the most anti-Israel President in modern history. President Obama took the longtime, bipartisan support for Israel that has been a hallmark of U.S. foreign policy for decades and scrapped it with this short-sighted action last month.

Fairfax: Police Auditor and Civilian Review Panel to Become Reality in 2017
Body cameras, mental health part of public safety focus
This year will see two historic firsts for Fairfax County, its police department and citizens: the beginning work of an Office of Police Auditor and Civilian Review Panel. “It’s very important people picked deal with facts, demand facts and make decisions based on facts,” Sayles said, “and communicate those in a way that’s not divisive." said Randy Sayles of Oak Hill who was a member of the Use of Force subcommittee of the Ad Hoc Commission.