Springfield Opinion

Springfield Opinion


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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

Merry Christmas


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Tired of Big Trucks Parking on Our Public Roads, Blocking Your View and Creating Safety Hazards? Use the NEW Parking Reporter Tool!

More and more lately, we are seeing our public streets littered with illegally parked commercial vehicles like large box trucks, dump trucks and tractor trailers. Not only is this a safety hazard, it’s intrusive to our neighborhoods, blocks our businesses and limits walkability, while diminishing the sense of community we are striving to create.

Virginia Communities Can Apply for Climate Adaptation Grants

Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Grants highlight Importance of Virginia’s RGGI reentry and investment in climate resilience.

Another round of grant funding opened recently for projects that strengthen communities’ resilience to climate change and protection from extreme weather. These grants are funded through the Community Flood Preparedness Fund.

Boysko Is Humane Champion

The Humane Society Legislative Fund recently released their 2024 Virginia Humane Scorecard, which grades sitting lawmakers’ votes on animal protection issues.

Urgent Concerns about Ongoing Purge of Voter Rolls

Letter from U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly to Gov. Glenn Younkin about voting roll purges is shared with readers of the Connection:

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Fall 2024—Looking Good on Lake Anne

2024 has been a good year to date in Reston, especially at Lake Anne Village Center. Now, if Lake Anne, Reston and the country can get through Nov. 5 without electing any convicted felons, who knows what might be possible in 2025?

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Vote to Support Tax Relief for Military Families

On the ballot this year, Virginians will have the opportunity to vote for a constitutional amendment to provide equitable tax relief to surviving spouses of military service members who died in the line of duty.

A Casino Would Bring Many Unwanted Problems to N. Va.

Congressman Frank Wolf (retired) wrote a letter to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors which is shared with the Connection. Wolf lives in Vienna.

Confusing FCDC Sample Ballot

Letters to the Editor

Some might be confused or fooled by the names that will appear on the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) sample ballot that will be distributed at the polls on Election Day.

Opinion: Early Voting Begins Sept. 20

Early Voting Begins Sept. 20

Re-electing Tim Kaine Is Critical to NoVA

In just 9 days early voting will commence and we will have the opportunity to vote for not just the President, but Senator and US House Representative.

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Labor Day and the Need for Stronger Rights in Virginia

Labor Day is coming up next Monday, allowing us a time to pause and honor the immense contributions of the laborers who have and continue to drive the prosperity of Virginia and our nation.

Arlington NAACP Opposes Dismissal of Human Rights Commissioners

The NAACP Arlington Branch strongly opposes the Arlington County Board’s dismissal of the Human Rights Commissioners and the proposed changes to the Human Rights Ordinance which would scale back the Commission’s oversight of employment discrimination and authority to act on alleged human rights violations.

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Beyer on Biden; Supports Harris

The past few weeks have been very difficult, but I am proud to be a member of a party that tolerates dissent. We are not a cult of personality where any disagreement results in threats or purges.