Springfield Entertainment

Springfield Entertainment


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Making Runners, Walkers Happy

Last-minute holiday gift ideas at local business in Springfield.

Metro Run and Walk in Springfield, a locally owned and family-operated store, has a variety of gifts available for runners and walkers at a discounted price, starting with the 13 Days of Christmas sale on Dec. 13.

A Riotous Farce

The Lady from Maxim’s at West Springfield’s stage.

After waking up from a night of drunken debauchery, Dr. Petypon spins a web of lies to keep his unsuspecting wife and uncle from discovering the notorious dancer found in his bed the next morning. A delightful romp, The Lady from Maxim’s showcases a slew of talented performers and pokes fun at everything from provincial life to the medical profession on the West Springfield High School stage.

A New Year’s Eve Gala in Springfield

Metropolitan School of the Arts (MSA) of Alexandria and Lorton, Va. will host A New Year’s Eve State of Mind Benefit Gala on Tues., Dec. 31 from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at the Waterford at Springfield at 6715 Commerce Street, Springfield.

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Fairfax County Holiday Calendar

Your guide to holiday events in the Northern Virginia area.

Week in Springfield

What's new in Springfield.

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Saxophone Concerto at Mason

Soloist Carrie Koffman brings ‘melting tone and touching sensitivity.’

The Fairfax Symphony Orchestra (FSO) and music director Christopher Zimmerman will perform a concert of both familiar and new works on Saturday, Nov.16, 8 p.m., at the George Mason University – Centre for the Arts Concert Hall.

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Burke Ballet’s 20th ‘Nutcracker’

Cast of 200 draws heavily from Buffa’s Dance Studio, welcomes professionals from Cincinnati, Colorado and Manassas companies.

Just as Clara Stahlbaum’s dream of a being whisked away by a living nutcracker prince grows increasingly fantastic over the course of the night, director Buffa Hargett’s vision of a perfect performance of "The Nutcracker" ballet has evolved dramatically from mere scenes performed at local shopping malls to a staggering 200-person full production celebrating its 20th anniversary onstage.

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The Fierst Family’s ‘Twist’ on Halloween

Interstate Haunted House Maze in Springfield helps ECHO.

As you twist and turn your way through the Interstate Haunted House Maze, you never know what scary creature will be lurking around the next corner. It’s dark and misty, the tall walls giving you a feeling of being hemmed in, with no easy escape route other than to finish the maze. The strange noises add to your cautious approach around the next corner, uncertain of what will pop up next. The spooky trail seems to go on with no sign of an exit, and meanwhile your heart pounds not knowing what to expect … ghosts, goblins, skeletons, zombies or maybe a hand on your shoulder.

Hollywood comes to Alexandria

Bringing a little taste of Hollywood to Old Town, the seventh annual Alexandria Film Festival kicks off Nov. 7.

It might be Patti North's favorite time of year, but it's certainly one of the most stressful. As chair of the Alexandria Film Festival, North has spent moths preparing for this year's event, pulling together movies ranging from a few minutes to an hour or more in length from around the world and helping to line up Q&A sessions with as many filmmakers as possible during the festivals' four-day run.

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An Artistic Evening Like No Other

“ARTS by George!” returns to George Mason stage.

With an open invitation to the community, the George Mason University College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) is holding its eighth annual "ARTS by George!" event. It has quickly become one of the premiere arts events in Northern Virginia. The mission of "ARTS by George!" is to showcase and support Mason students in a wide range of artistic fields including arts, dance, music, theater, computer game design, film and video studies and arts management. The gala raises funds to provide for student scholarships. It is capped off this year by the headliner performance of Tony Award winner Laura Benanti.

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An Insider's Guide to the Arts in Northern Virginia

A selection of upcoming arts productions, happening right where you live.

There are more artists of every stripe making art in Northern Virginia than you may realize. Populating the bedroom communities, small towns, growing cities and metropolitan areas of Fairfax County, Arlington and Alexandria are your pick of dance, theatre, choral, symphonic, visual and performance, music and fill-in-the-blank groups. Look beyond Wolf Trap and Jammin' Java to the Torpedo Art Factory, the Workhouse Arts Center, and smaller, quality groups like ArtSpace Herndon and McLean Project for the Arts to cast their creative spell (that's only to name a few). Delve in and, we dare you, let your stereotypes of an artless string of suburbs dissolve. In place you'll get something much better than stereotypes: some culture.

A Year in Fairfax County

A sampling of some of the cherished, annual events of the county.

Upcoming events in the county.

Concerts from Kirkwood Kicks Off New Season

On Oct. 25, 2003, Concerts from Kirkwood presented its first concert in the sanctuary of Kirkwood Presbyterian Church in Springfield and has presented a collection of world-class performances every year since except for one year, during which the venue was being renovated. On Sept. 21, of this year, 10 years later, the tradition will continue with the first of four concerts for the 2013–2014 season featuring a debut performance of the Milan Piano Trio. The trio will present a program with a Latin theme beginning at 3 p.m. in the church sanctuary at 8336 Carrleigh Parkway, Springfield.

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The New Filmmakers of Fairfax

Clifton Film Fest selections reveal creative class in the county.

The latest short films of independent filmmakers producing and directing in the county drew a crowd to the Clifton Film Fest, held on the Workhouse quad in Lorton Saturday, July 20.

Evenings on the Ellipse Concerts Begin

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova, in partnership with the Fairfax County Park Authority, will host a series of free summer concerts, Evenings on the Ellipse, at the Fairfax County Government Center every Thursday from 5 to 6:30 p.m.