Springfield Entertainment

Springfield Entertainment


Fairfax County Public Library Kicks Off Summer Reading Program

The Fairfax County Public Library began its Summer Reading Challenge on June 23, with this year’s theme being “Read for the Win.”

Weekend Fun: June 24-26

Weekend fun in the area.

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Celebrating the Fourth of July

Fourth of July celebrations in the area

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Springfield Days' Petfest 2016 at South Run RECenter in Fairfax Station

Diane Roadcap of Springfield wants people to understand that animals are spiritual beings. Ever since she was a girl of five and felt drawn to a box at the local dump in Luray that contained a dog duct-taped to the inside, doomed to be incinerated, she says she’s had the gift of being able to translate for animals.

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Springfield: Books for a Bargain

Friends of Richard Byrd Library host Summer Book Sale.

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Burke and Springfield: History in Basements

Nathaniel Lee’s book inspires new look at railroads.

Nathaniel Lee was always inspired by the long history of trains and railroads. As a child he stumbled upon an abandoned train station while exploring the woods of Northern Virginia. “I grew up next to the railroad.

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Springfield Days Returns to the Sweet Spot

Market Expo, PetFest, Cardboard Regatta among community festivities.

Springfield resident Ron Hilbig’s small business Turtle Hill Originals was supposed to be a fun retirement job. Now in his second year of creating custom decorative mirrors, picture frames and treasures boxes, he still works full time as communications director at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield.

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Missiles and Guns in the Backyard and the School Parking Lot

Library series delve into the secrets of Fairfax County.

The first of three Forgotten Fairfax series debuted on Saturday, May 7 at the City of Fairfax Regional Library.

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Burke and Springfield: Community Joins Together to Bid for a Cause

Nearly 100 people gathered to raise money for community-based children’s programs on April 29 at Assistance League of Northern Virginia’s “Annual Spring Event, Luncheon and Silent Auction.”

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Springfield: Rising Stars in Teaching

DKG honors novice teachers.

The Beta Delta Chapter of DKG Society International awarded scholarships to novice teachers in Fairfax County and Washington, D.C. on Sunday, April 17 in Springfield.

Celebrating Easter and Spring

Lenten and Spring events.

Celebrating the Spring Holidays

Spring is here.

Longtime Springfield Estates Elementary School Teacher Marian Davenport Dies at 87

Marian Brant Davenport of Kingstowne died Feb. 13 at age 87. The Columbus, Ohio native taught kindergarten to third grade at Springfield Estates Elementary School from the early 1970s until she retired in 1985. “She was very committed to her kids,” said Davenport’s son Bill, who now lives in Houston, Texas. “She loved the little kids, loved teaching them to read.”

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Burke and Fairfax: Good Shepherd Players mark 35 years with “Oklahoma!”

Carol St. Germain of Burke has theater in her blood. She and her husband met working on productions at Lynchburg College, she followed him as he pursued a career in theater design and together, they’ve worked to bring shows to life with the Good Shepherd Players for the last three decades.

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Honoring Black History

Fairfax County’s Cable Network presents programs in celebration of Black History Month.

Fairfax Public Access (FPA) will air a special series of movies and documentaries throughout the month of February in recognition of Black History Month.